Yamamoto & Inouchi

DAILIES AquaComfort Plus Contact Lens

DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus™ is a daily disposable contact lens that refreshes everytime you blink. And, it’s the latest advancement in comfort technology.

Dailies AquaComfort Plus

DAILIES AquaComfort Plus is a lens you only wear once; put them on in the morning and throw them away at night. Triple Action Moisture lets you enjoy sustained comfort throughout the day. They’re designed to work with your eye’s natural blinking action−about 14,000 times a day. You only wear them once and throw them away at night, so you don’t have to worry about deposit buildup over time and there’s absolutely no messy lens cleaning and disinfecting required or reusable lens case to keep track of.

DAILIES AquaComfort Plus is convenient. There is no replacement schedule to memorize. Just put in a fresh, new pair every morning, and throw them away at night. Make an appointment today and we’ll help determine if DAILIES AquaComfort Plus is right for you.

SynergEyes® Hybrid Contact Lenses

Remember when you had only two choices in contact lenses?

“Hard” (rigid gas permeable) lenses were best for crisp, clear vision, but were often irritating and uncomfortable. Soft contact lenses were the most comfortable, but often provided less-than-optimal vision. Now, a technological breakthrough makes having to choose a thing of the past.

SynergEyes® Hybrid Contact Lenses – The Best of Both Worlds

The “breathable” rigid lens center keeps eyes healthy while providing crisp, clear vision… even at night. The outer skirt gives you the all-day comfort of a soft lens

.Synergeyes Hybrid Contact Lenses

Why Not Optimize Your Vision?

No matter what type of vision correction you currently use, there’s a good chance you’re compromising on either clarity or comfort. With SynergEyes® there are no compromises.


Do you wear soft contact lenses?

If yes, you may be settling for less-than-optimal vision. Thanks to the rigid center optics of SynergEyes®, you can enjoy high-definition vision as never before.

Do you have astigmatism?

SynergEyes® is free from “toric lens rotation”, a common problem associated with soft toric lenses that causes inconsistent vision. SynergEyes® optics remain stable, delivering consistently clear vision – blink after blink.

Do you wear “hard” contact lenses?

If yes, you may be settling for less-than-optimal comfort. SynergEyes® eliminates the problem of irritating debris that can collect under conventional rigid lenses. And you won’t experience the annoyance of rigid lenses moving when you blink, or dislodging with your active lifestyle.

Do you still wear glasses?

If yes, you may have had a disappointing experience with contact lenses in the past. The hybrid design eliminates many problems people have had with contact lenses. SynergEyes® may very well be the contact lens breakthrough for your active lifestyle

Juicy Couture – Splendor

Juciy Couture Eyeglasses and pink heart shaped eyeglass case.
Juicy CoutureSplendor

Gone are the days of goofy, plain, girls eyeglasses.   Splendor, made by Juicy Couture is just cute, cute, cute.  The heart shaped pink Juicy eyeglass case is  also going to be a big hit with the girls.

  • Mfg: Juicy Couture
  • Name: Splendor
  • Style: Childrens
  • Frame Material Metal
  • Frame Color: Pink

Juicy Couture – Splendor

Juicy Couture -Splendor

Juicy Couture -Splendor

Juicy Couture -Splendor
Juicy Couture -Splendor

Gone are the days of goofy, plain, girls eyeglasses.   Splendor, made by Juicy Couture is just cute, cute, cute.  The heart shaped pink Juicy eyeglass case is  also going to be a big hit with the girls.

  • Mfg: Juicy Couture
  • Name: Splendor
  • Style: Childrens
  • Frame Material Metal
  • Frame Color: Pink